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Pain & Wellness Centers of Southern California

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Pain & Wellness Centers of Southern California

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Pain & Wellness Centers of Southern California

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Back Pain

What causes back pain? Your back is a complex structure made up of bones, joints, discs, ligaments, muscles, and nerves. Any small problem within this intricate structure can make even the simplest movements painful or uncomfortable. Common causes of back pain include:

Neck Pain

Muscle strain is a common cause of neck pain that often comes from spending a lot of time hunched over your computer or phone. You also can develop chronic neck pain from a misalignment in your lower back that causes your cervical spine to compensate and shift off-center. Whiplash, which is caused by a forceful movement that makes your head rebound and compresses your neck and spine, is a common cause of trauma-related neck pain. Whiplash also may injure the surrounding tissues, leading to stiffness and restricted mobility.

Herniated Disc

Each of your intervertebral discs is comprised of two parts. The tough exterior, or the annulus fibrosus, gives the rubbery cushion a complete range of motion. The disc’s spongy interior, or its nucleus pulposus, helps it function as an effective shock absorber.


Sciatica often starts as discomfort or pain in your lower back, but it can easily become the kind of debilitating pain that radiates down one of your legs. Sciatica is usually the result of something compressing the sciatic nerve where it’s rooted to your spine. Common causes of sciatic nerve impingement and pain include:

Joint Pain

Healthy joints allow your body to move smoothly, easily, and with a full range of motion. Although the complex nature of your joints makes them incredibly and reliably functional, their inherent complexity also makes them prone to injury and the kind of degenerative conditions that come from ongoing wear and tear.


Headache is the symptom of pain in the face, head, or neck. It can occur as a migraine, tension-type headache, or cluster headache. Frequent headaches can affect relationships and employment.

Cervical and Lumbar Epidural Injections

An epidural steroid injection (ESI) is a minimally invasive procedure that can help relieve neck, arm, back, and leg pain caused by inflamed spinal nerves due to spinal stenosis or disc herniation. Medicines are delivered to the epidural space, which is a fat-filled area between the bone and the protective sac of the spinal nerves. Pain relief may last for several days or even years. The goal is to reduce pain so that you may resume normal activities and a physical therapy program.

Facet Block Injections

A facet joint injection is a relatively simple, straightforward procedure, and is usually performed in an office based procedure suite or in an ambulatory surgical center. As with many spinal injections, facet joint injections are best performed using fluoroscopy (live X-ray) for guidance to properly target and place the needle (and to help avoid nerve injury or other injury).


Rhizotomy is a surgical procedure to sever nerve roots in the spinal cord. The procedure effectively relieves chronic back pain and muscle spasms. For spinal joint pain, a facet rhizotomy may provide lasting low back pain relief by disabling the sensory nerve at the facet joint.

Sympathetic Blocks

A sympathetic nerve block is believed by many pain health care providers to be an effective method for controlling chronic pain. However, there is not a great deal of medical evidence to show whether these blocks are actually helpful. This therapy targets the sympathetic nervous system, a series of nerves that spread out from your spine to your body to help control several involuntary body functions, or body functions that you have no control over. These include blood flow, digestion, and sweating.

Spinal Cord Stimulator

Spinal cord stimulation therapy masks pain signals before they reach the brain. A small device, similar to a pacemaker, delivers electrical pulses to the spinal cord. It helps people better manage their chronic pain and reduce their use of opioid medications. It may be an option if you suffer chronic back, leg or arm pain and have not found relief with other therapies.

Intrathecal Pump

An intrathecal pump is a medical device used to deliver (via an intrathecal catheter) medications directly into the space between the spinal cord and the protective sheath surrounding the spinal cord. Medications such as baclofen, bupivacaine, clonidine, morphine, or ziconotide may be delivered in this manner to minimize the side effects often associated with the higher doses used in oral or intravenous delivery of these drugs.

Viscosupplementation Injections

During viscosupplementation treatment for arthritis, your healthcare provider injects hyaluronic acid into your joint. This thick fluid may help reduce pain and swelling in your arthritic joint (most commonly, your knee). The bones that make up your joints usually have a cap of cartilage on their ends.

Regenerative Medicine Injections (PRP, Amniotic Fluid, Stem Cells)

Regenerative injection therapy (RIT) is a treatment for chronic pain caused by unhealed injuries around: Regenerative injection therapy, or treatment, mainly treats joint and chronic pain, in addition to muscle injuries. Treatments involve the injection of a natural solution, some including your own plasma, into the affected muscle tissue.

Vein Ablation

Treatments for varicose veins and venous insufficiency have become less invasive over the last decade. A number of different procedures are now possible most involving local anaesthetic or requiring no anaesthetic at all. Rather than remove all the faulty veins, which was done in traditional surgery, the newer techniques

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Pain and Wellness Centers of Southern California